Classic cars or vintage cars

Those which are your favorites, get inspired!
Because the passion for cars of the past and their history, continue to live in time.

Classic Cars Italy was thinked and made by Federico Bertani

With extensive experience in the commercial world of the automobile, which over the years has led him to officially represent most exclusive brands in the world, he came to that which is his greatest passion: the cars that have made history.

Welcome to Classic Cars Italia

Search, find and collect vintage cars, enjoy the unique sensations and finally to entrust to the care of another person, with the same love, reserving them a special place in their hearts and in their lives: this is the mission.
Classic Cars Italy brings together fans and anyone with an interest in the automotive world.
The aim is share this passion through stories, tests, retrospectives, events, trips and reports dedicated to any motor vehicle that is worthy of inspiring, enthuse, entertain and dream the reader and the writer.

Nothing great in the world has ever been accomplished without passion

G.W.F. Hegel

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